Corrienna Abdul Talib, Intan Bidayu Mohd Rafi, Shamini Thanga Rajan, Nur Wahidah Abd Hakim, Marlina Ali, Ng Khar Thoe

DOI: 10.26480/ess.04.2019.14.18

A reform STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education has become the guiding principle of science education in many countries and a focus of research efforts including Malaysia. Meanwhile, the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education is still new and lacking in literature search. In Malaysia, the government has not yet fully introduce in the STEAM education system but have suggested the features of STEAM education by combining an art skills in STEM education. The focus on the combination of arts in STEM education is one of the way to attract students to pursue or increase students’ interest and motivation in science stream. It is also aimed to create a new generation of multi-skilled professionals that are capable in creatively integrating knowledge from different fields of study to solve problems effectively and create an innovation. Nevertheless, the STEAM education is new and has not enough empirical data regarding teachers’ teaching strategies especially in the new curriculum, KSSM. An effective STEAM education requires teachers to have a correct method in enhancing student’s ability. High school teaching strategies based upon 21st century teaching and learning have become the suitable methods for STEAM education. The development of various scientific models and theories play a central role in scientific inquiry and enhancing student’s thinking ability. Model-based inquiry would be important in improving the learning of STEM subject. Thus, the role of teacher as an implementer of the new innovation in education should be taken seriously. This study aims to explore teacher’s STEAM teaching strategies in new curriculum. This qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interview questions to explore the practice and conception of secondary school teacher on STEAM teaching strategies especially in model based inquiry. The participants were selected using purposive sampling among teacher in Johor Bahru district that have experience in teaching the new KSSM curriculum in form 1 and form 2. The analysis was performed by using constant comparative method that was carried out simultaneously during data collection. Based on the findings, the participants carried-out the inquiry based learning as a teaching method selectively according to the topic. The participants also did not understand deeply about STEAM education. Thus, through the implementation of active teaching strategies, it was expected that students’ interest in STEAM related field will be enhanced despite limited teachers’ understanding about STEAM education.

STEAM Education, Teaching Strategies, Model-based inquiry, Students’ Ability.


12 June 2018
Great News!

EDUCATION, SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIETY (ESS) has been successfully Publish with first issue 2018. Congratulations to all the editorial team!